2023 雲門舞作精選新加坡演出 林懷民回顧展

雲門舞作精選新加坡演出 林懷民回顧展


雲門舞集在濱海藝術中心劇院(EsplanadeTheatre)演出兩天。72歲的林懷民今天向中央社記者表示,舞者是雲門舞集的標竿,成功的舞作與舞者是分不開的,這次挑選了雲門資深舞者多年的精彩片段,呈現在觀眾眼前。 濱海藝術中心表示,林懷民45年來領導雲門舞集不僅深入台灣,演遍全球,備受尊崇,獲獎無數,包括有「現代舞諾貝爾獎」美譽的「美國舞蹈節終身成就獎」、法國藝術與文學騎士勳章、德國「舞動國際舞蹈大獎」終身成就獎,以及英國三一拉邦音樂與舞蹈學院榮譽院士。 雲門舞集今年榮獲第19屆英國國家舞蹈獎的「年度傑出舞團」殊榮。 「林懷民舞作精選」包括「家族合唱」、「水月」、「築夢」、「行草」、「松煙」、「風.影」、「如果沒有你」、「稻禾」、「白水」。 

節錄自 中央社記者黃自強新加坡2019年5月2日專電

Cloud Gate Dance Theater performed for two days at the Esplanade Theatre. 72-year-old Lin Huaimin told a reporter from China Central News Agency today that dancers are the benchmark of Cloud Gate Dance Theater, and successful dances are inseparable from dancers. 

This time, they selected highlights from Cloud Gate senior dancers for many years and presented them to the audience. The Esplanade for the Arts stated that for 45 years, Lin Huaimin has led Cloud Gate Dance Theater not only in Taiwan, but also in the world. Knight of the Order of Letters, the Lifetime Achievement Award of the German "Dancing International Dance Award", and an honorary fellow of the Trinity Laban Academy of Music and Dance in the United Kingdom. Cloud Gate Dance Theater won the "Outstanding Dance Company of the Year" award at the 19th British National Dance Awards this year. "Selected Works of Lin Huaimin's Dance".

節錄自 中央社記者黃自強新加坡2019年5月2日專電