2023 莎妹劇團 「FIND新戲劇藝術節」


2023 莎士比亞的妹妹們的劇團  FIND新戲劇藝術節
Shakespeare’s Wild Sisters Group de   Festival Internationale Neue Dramatik

莎妹劇團前進德國FIND新戲劇藝術節 搬演《親愛的人生》 文化部、駐德國代表處文化組與柏林雷寧廣場劇院(Schaubühne Berlin)合作,將於2023「FIND新戲劇藝術節」(Festival Internationale Neue Dramatik)中邀請「莎士比亞的妹妹們的劇團」演出舞台劇《親愛的人生》,自4月29至30日於雷寧廣場劇院上演兩場。

 改編自諾貝爾文學獎得主艾莉絲・孟若(Alice Ann Munro)的短篇小說,《親愛的人生》打破了語言與文化的藩籬,在舞台上展現原汁原味的臺灣風格。2019年前往巴黎秋天藝術節(Festival d'Automne Paris)演出時,獲藝術節總監瑪麗.科林(Marie Collin)給予「故事來自臺灣,而編導手法像是拍電影,沒有任何文化隔閡……」的好評,並且成為巴黎秋天藝術節48年來首次登台的臺灣劇作。 《親愛的人生》以女性為主要角色,由〈刺青〉、〈附身〉、〈埤塘〉及〈記憶〉四段長度30分鐘的故事串起臺灣桃園當地的生活經驗,導演王嘉明以詩的文體來思考每一個場景,並留下足夠的空白讓觀眾想像。有趣的是,四段故事間並不是透過情節,而是藉由音樂性聯繫彼此,以音樂主題式的建構打造舞台時空。

節錄自文化部網站 https://www.moc.gov.tw/information_250_153027.html


Shakespeare’s Wild Sisters Group advances to Germany's FIND New Theater Art Festival to perform "Dear Life". Neue Dramatik invited "Shakespeare’s Wild Sisters Group" to perform the stage play "Dear Life". 
From April 29th to 30th, two performances were staged at the Leining Square Theater.   Adapted from a short story by Nobel Laureate Alice Ann Munro, "Dear Life" breaks down the barriers of language and culture, presenting an authentic Taiwanese style on stage. When she performed at the Festival d'Automne Paris in 2019, she was awarded by the director of the festival, Mary. Marie Collin praised "The story comes from Taiwan, and the writing and directing method is like making a movie, without any cultural barriers...", and it became the first Taiwanese drama to appear on the stage at the Paris Autumn Art Festival in 48 years. 
"Dear Life" takes women as the main characters. The four 30-minute stories of "Tattoos", "Possession", "Pond" and "Memory" link the local life experience in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Director Wang Jiaming uses poems Think about each scene with a unique style, and leave enough blank space for the audience to imagine. What's interesting is that the four stories are connected to each other not through the plot, but through music, and the stage time and space are created with a music-themed construction.


節錄自文化部網站 https://www.moc.gov.tw/information_250_153027.html